Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Z Is For Zzzz

Jennifer usually gets her best inspiration while falling asleep...

I’ve said this many times before, but some of my best ideas come to me right before I fall asleep. I used to be embarrassed by this. I mean, how can I claim an idea is good or a story idea is great if it puts me to sleep? But now I know better.

When I’m about to fall asleep, my brain relaxes enough to let my thoughts drift. And if it’s a really great idea, it lets me dream about it and in the process, fall asleep. So while I hope my books don’t put anyone else to sleep, I want my ideas to do that for me.

Lately, with all that’s going on in my life, I’ve had a hard time coming up with ideas, and falling asleep hasn’t come easy. Turning off my brain from everyday stresses so that I can brainstorm the next scene or chapter isn’t easy. Which means, it’s editing time!

Unless I get stuck and need to create a new scene, I don’t need to worry right now about coming up with ideas. I need to flesh and smooth out the ones I already have.

And hopefully, get some sleep!


  1. I wish I could fall asleep on my great ideas. If I don't write them down I've forgotten them the next morning. Hence a notebook and pencil by my bed, and undecipherable hieroglyphics the next day!

    1. Yeah, trying to translate what you wrote in the dark is tough.

  2. My ideas tend to come in the wee hours of the morning while I'm still lying in bed. I, too, have a notebook next to my bed to scribble ideas. There are somedays I just laugh because there's no way to decipher what I've written.

    I hope you get some sleep, Jen. It is so crazy when your brain won't stop long enough to just relax.

    1. Thanks. I keep either a notebook or my phone and write or dictate if I can. Otherwise, if it happens often enough, I can remember the next day.

  3. Your books never put me to sleep. So that is one less thing to worry about. ;-) My ideas usually come to me when I'm driving...usually on a highway which means I can't pull over and write them down.

    1. Well, that's good news! :)

      You need something to dictate.

  4. I bought s voice activated recorder so that I could record any ideas that occurred to me, either before I went to sleep or when I was driving. That was a couple of weeks ago - and guess what? Haven't had any ideas since then!

    1. Uh oh! Give it to Laurie Benson (above) and your ideas will flow. ;)

  5. My good ideas come when I first wake up. I ask before I fall asleep for guidance and watch for the first thoughts in my head in the early morning.
    I tried the writing down in the dark. Gibberish.

  6. Ideas come at odd times, so when you're falling asleep seems quite likely...remembering them is the problem
