In our house the den is the room in which our computer resides. We have a lovely armoire to house the computer, with doors that close to hide everything when we have company. For me, I consider this to be 'home base' for my writing. I have the covers of my books tacked up, awards framed, Post-Its galore with links, tips, advice, and quotes, pictures that provide inspiration, and files for each of the projects I'm working on.
From here I check blogs and loops, e-mail fellow writers and editors, and basically keep up with the writing world.
I, however, don't do much actual writing in this space. Especially in the summer. Being a teacher in 'real life', I get most of my writing done in the summer. And most days in the summer it's simply too nice to sit inside in this room (decorated with family pictures both past and present) at my computer for long hours.
So, several years ago (after my first book was published) I invested in a lap top. Best thing I ever did for my writing career. Now my writing space can be where ever I want it to be. One spot is out back by our pond. The comforting sound of bubbling water makes a nice backdrop. I also like to sit at our patio table. Surrounded by bushes, it's a private retreat, making me virtually invisible to those who pass by. My hands-down favorite spot to write in the summer is my front porch. Here I move from Adirondack chair to rocker, depending on the need to be plugged in at any given time. The porch is covered, so it's also the ideal place to write if there's a little rain coming down.
As I write, I tend to migrate from place to place. Write in the back for a while, move to the table, and then in the afternoon when the sun hits full force in the backyard, I move to the front porch. If my computer runs out of juice, I've been known to trail an extension cord across the yard.
The lap top is used solely for writing. I don't have an Internet link on the desk top, so I don't get distracted (or procrastinate)
with e-mails or blogs. Having a portable computer has made me a much more productive writer, as I don't feel like I'm stuck in one spot. In fact, if I'm stuck on a story line or scene, I'll move my physical location, which often gives me a new perspective and gets the words flowing again.
In winter, I probably use the house computer more often when I write, but there are days you'll find me camped out on the couch or curled in a recliner, clicking away on my lap top.
As for today, I'm thinking it's a front porch day.
So how about you? What is your writing space like?
Until next time,
Happy Reading (and Writing!),
I love your front porch, Debra. I want a big old front porch like that some day. Me, I write at the kitchen table. We don't really have a computer room anymore. Our boys used to share a room, but now they're older, what used to BE the computer room ended up being the oldest's bedroom. So the kitchen table ended up being where the computers ended up. It's where I'm the most comfortable when I write. I have a laptop, but I prefer using a mouse, for cutting and pasting, and it's just easier at the table.
ReplyDeleteHi Joanne,
ReplyDeleteMy hubby and I love our front porch. For three seasons out of the year, it's really an extension of our house...another room. (In winter we put the furniture away to protect it from the elements.)
I agree about the mouse with cutting and pasting. I always do that on a PC instead of my lap top.
The porch is gorgeous! My computer is crammed into the media room. It was once my own office before I had my son, but since my husband lost his Man Room to the baby, all his stuff had to be moved into my little office. It's crowded, but my back is to most of the pile.
ReplyDeleteHi Christine,
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a theme here with kids taking over spaces in a house! Sharing office space with your hubby sounds cozy.
ReplyDeleteLovely spots for writing, Debra. The outdoors ever inspirational: scents and glorious sound of rustling leaves on a hot balmy breeze!
I'm a have-lap-top-will-travel, too, kind of person. We both are in this house. We dumped our desk-tops several years back, and now on our second lap tops. I find with mine, I either have to have a very shady spot for writing, or place the laptop under a shady device: the screen fades in sunlight regardless of darkening tool. I keep meaning to pick up a shade screen, because I love sitting on the upper veranda/balcony in Summer or adjoining boudoir, which has a lounge area. My favourite writing place in Winter is a snug at the far end of the kitchen, when not snuggled in front of a log burner in the sitting room. On nice days in Winter, the conservatory serves its purpose of allowing in the sun while bitter outside.
I used to write on my laptop at the kitchen table. Before I had a laptop, I wrote at work on a big old desktop, the kind with the suitcase-sized monitors.
ReplyDeleteWhen the CSA interns arrived and needed to eat, I moved my laptop to a small table in the corner of the living room. I'm getting used to it, but miss the view from the kitchen.
A view is nice when writing...whether 'live' or from a window.
ReplyDeleteOutside glare on the screen is a problem sometimes, but the covered porch and the umbrella over the patio set help with this.
LOVE your front porch, and also your backyard. If I had areas like that to write, I'm sure I'd use them too. However, although I have a laptop and a netbook, I tend to go all my writing in the upstairs bedroom which I've converted into my study.
ReplyDeleteThink the only time I've done any writing elsewhere was using my netbook on a terrace overlooking the Nile and the Theban hills which surround the Valley of Kings. At least that gave me inspiration to start 'A Nile Romance'!
Hi Debra. Off the top of my head, my writing space is anywhere my children aren't! I do use a laptop, although I don't move it around as much as I probably should. I keep telling myself to go outside, but don't usually do it. Your pictures might inspire me, though! I tend to rotate from my desk to the dining room table to the sofa (which reclines and is oh so comfortable!).
ReplyDeletePaula, I love your inspiration for "A Nile Romance"!
ReplyDeleteJennifer...see, migrating from place to place helps getos those thoughts rolling!
I was a good girl today and used my time (and porch!) wisely. I wrote all afternoon and got around eight pages done. For me these days, that's quite an accomplishment.
Ooh great writing space. Love it! It looks like something from an author interview in a mag.
ReplyDeleteI have a post about where I writen which is really about my cramped desk.
I should update it to include the conservatory where I also write :O)
Wow, thanks for the compliment, Madeleine. Who knows, maybe someday when I'm a best-selling author I'll actually have a magazine interview!
ReplyDeleteA conservatory sounds like a great place to write. Thanks for sharing your link!
Congrats on your book! Like you, I invested in a laptop years ago. My writing space is in my bed, in my living room, at the park while the kids play, in the library, at my in-laws, in the car, at the pool while the kiddles splash... I get lots done!
ReplyDeleteGotta love them lappies! ;)
Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
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