Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas all year round

Ana muses on the gift of critiquing

My current WIP is a rewrite of my first completed romance. The original rambled, had way too many subplots, and was overly autobiographical.  It also had a surprisingly potent story arc, vivid secondary characters and a hero I am still in love with. I submitted it six years ago and received slammed door rejections. They hurt, but they taught me that I had much to learn about the craft of writing.

The spectre of self-doubt is my constant companion, but like Scrooge on Christmas morning, I believe in second chances. I am determined to gestate this rewrite and give it birth. I will let this story go and start on the next one.

That's where critiques come in. The true spirit of the Christmas season is giving, and I am grateful beyond measure for every critique I give and receive.

The critiques I do for others teach me to be a better writer. The critiques I receive are the best gifts I could ever receive.

Christmas all year round.


  1. I am in the final edit of a similar project. It was my first novel - a contemporary romance with a women's fiction bent. I just about have it whipped into shape. I don't think I can do the whole query go round thing, I may just self publish it.

  2. Wishing you the best of luck with it, Ana. Don't give up!

  3. Best of luck with it, Ana. From what I have read so far, I think it's a winner! And I second everything you have said about critiques and critiquing!

  4. First novels are like first loves, aren't they!

  5. I agree...I learn so much from critiques I give. It's always easier to 'see' certain things in others' writing. But then I'm able to look at my own mss with fresh eyes, too.

    Critiques, the good and the bad, really are fabulous gifts that teach us so much.
