Friday, February 6, 2015


Margaret tells us what she enjoys and why.

What pleasures do you enjoy most? Dining, partying, reading, walking – the list is endless and I enjoy all of these. But my ultimate pleasure is writing. It takes me to places all over the world I would never visit otherwise. It stretches my imagination. It keeps me entertained. It gives me an insight into other people’s lives even if they are figments of my imagination. When I write I become that person, I live their life, I accept all their trials and tribulations.  I don’t give talks now but when I did I always used to say to people that I’d had X number of love affairs, depending on how many books I’d written at the time. And I guess that’s what they are – love affairs. A love affair with writing. Is it in our blood, do you think? What made us want to write in the first place? All writers are avid readers so perhaps it is this pleasure of reading that made us want to write in the first place.

What do you think?


  1. This is very interesting, Margaret. I know I feel good when I create something, and a well-turned phrase or description really sets my heart fluttering in a good way.
    I have so many things I have to do to pay the bills. I accept that, and challenge myself by being self-employed. Many days, life is an act of faith for me. Writing is my escape into a world of creativity, and I dream of it replacing my day jobs.

    1. One day, Anna. Keep that to the forefront of your mind.

  2. I know writing is in my blood, Margaret, and most of the time I enjoy it, but at the moment, having struggled for so long with the story I've just submitted, I admit to feeling a little 'burnt out' and wondering if I can face starting another story!

    1. Of courseyou need a break, Paula. But writing is in your blood and soon you'll be itching to start again. I took almost a month off over Christmas and the New year, but now I'm refreshed and excited to be writing again.

  3. I'd definitely say I enjoy writing, although there are times it makes me tear my hair out. However, there are so many other things I do that I DON'T enjoy, it's a pleasure to be able to sit down and love what I'm doing.

  4. We all seem to agree that writing is a pleasurable occupation. As far as I'm concerned it takes me out of this world and into one of make believe, which can only be a good thing.

  5. I do love writing, although it has its frustrating moments as well, just like a love affair I guess. Ha ha.

    I don't know if I'd consider my books themselves love affairs, but I do know I'm a bit in love with each and everyone of my heroes while I'm working on their story.
