Thursday, March 10, 2016

J is for Julie Ann Walker

Julie Ann Walker is one of Debra's must read authors.

I first met Julie Ann when she joined my local RWA chapter. At the time, she had already signed a contract for the first three books of her series. She handed out postcards of the covers (Which were amazing...), and I filed them in my TBR pile for when the stories were released. Of course one thing led to another and they got buried and forgotten. Luckily for me, she came to another meeting with copies of the first two books in hand, which she was handing out for free and autographing. I jumped at the chance to grab them...and the rest is history.

I absolutely cannot put her books down. Release dates go on my calendar, and I always make sure I have a solid (uninterrupted...meaning when the hubby isn't home) time for reading her books because I know once I start I won't put the book down until it's finished. She writes fast paced action, characters that thunder off the page (her formula for digging deep into characters), and hot love scenes. What's not to like?

Her first (and ongoing) series is Black Knights, Inc. about a covert groups of ops working (undercover) at a custom motorcycle shop in the city of Chicago. (Much to my delight, the next book in the series which premiers later this year is about one of my favorite characters. The heroes have cameos in each of the other books, and I've been dying to read Ozzie's story since day one.)

Even more to my delight, she spoke at a chapter meeting awhile back and introduced us to her new series. Twice as much Julie Ann Walker is always a good thing. This one is about former Navy SEALS who have started a deep sea salvage business. The series is called Deep Six.

The first book debuted last summer:

Only two things could make former Navy SEAL Leo Anderson return to the world of weapons and warfare. First, a capsule of chemical weapons lost on the ocean floor, and second, a plea for assistance from the one woman he can't seem to forget-CIA Agent Olivia Mortier.

Now, working together to race against the clock and a deadly terrorist faction, Leo and Olivia must find the missing capsule, all the while battling the intense desire burning between them. If they can survive, can their growing attraction become more than just a momentary flare?

The second book debuts this July, and you can be sure I have the date written on my calendar.

Maddy Powers's life revolves around cocktail parties, political fundraisers, and charity events - but she can't forget the daring former SEAL who appropriated her father's yacht a few months ago ... or the scorching kiss they shared before he disappeared into the deep blue sea.

Bran Pallidino carries a dark secret behind his lady-killer eyes - one that keeps him from pursuing a serious relationship with Maddy. But when she's taken hostage during a trip to the Dry Tortugas, the men of Deep Six Salvage drop their treasure hunt for a sunken galleon and embark on a dangerous mission to save Maddy.

As they fight her merciless kidnappers, they discover this isn't a simple hostage situation, but something far more sinister. Passion boils between Bran and Maddy, but what good is putting their hearts on the line if they don't survive the dawn?

Until next time,

Happy Reading!



  1. I have not read her books. Thanks for the recommendation.
    Did she ever describe her research into special forces ops?

    1. I'm not sure about the special ops research, but I know she talked her hubby into spending a winter down in Key West doing research for the salvage portion of the new series! Now that wouldn't be too hard to take, right?

  2. Her books sound exciting. I, too, have a list of must-read authors whose books I covet!

  3. I'm in awe of anyone who can write specialised and complex stories like these seem to be! Like Ana, I'm wondering how much research Julie Ann had to do.

    1. In depth research to get something like this right scares the beejeezus out of me!
