Carol is the author of teen and young adult fiction. Her books include Big Stone Heart and The Secret Society of Sugar and Spice. Carol is also a physician and an artist. She lives in Minnesota and South Dakota with her husband and their dog, Lucy.
Guilty Pleasures
Okay, I admit it: I like the TV show America’s Next Top Model. It’s one of my little guilty pleasures. I can feel you rolling your eyes out there, but bear with me, there’s a point to be made. So one night, with shades drawn and volume low, I was watching the show. They were doing a photo-shoot for Seventeen Magazine. Seventeen Magazine! This was my guilty pleasure when I was a teen. Instead of doing my homework, I would pour over the magazine looking for answers to life’s most pressing questions: What to do if a boy wants to kiss you? How to make the agonizing choice between blue and brown eyeliner? Pointy toed shoes or not?
I write fiction for girls ages twelve and up and all of my books are set during the Victorian Era in America. Those of you who follow my blog know that I love all things nineteenth century. So here’s the point: I got to wondering – what did girls and young women read for magazines in the late 1800’s? Did they have a Seventeen Magazine equivalent and if so, what was in there? Today, we hear so much about the influence of print and electronic media on the lives of young girls: Do the stick thin models in women’s magazines promote anorexia and bulimia? Do the numerous articles on sex encourage promiscuity? Does TV cause violent behavior? Compared to today, what exactly were magazines telling young women a hundred and thirty years ago? I decided to find out.

“The more fault you!” said his father. “After that man’s treatment of you and all of us! I’m ashamed of you, Marshall!”
But now kind-hearted Mrs.
Morrison seconded her son, and said,
“For the sake of his poor
wife and children, Philip! Think how we
should feel if you were hurt in that way.
And consider – what I have heard you say many times – that it isn’t Mr.
Hogan himself, but the bad spirit which drink has put into him, that does these
When a girl reached puberty and became of marriageable age, she put
her hair up and her hem down and presumably switched from reading children’s
magazines to lady’s magazines. Two prominent women’s magazines in the 1800’s
were Godey’s Lady’s Book and The Ladies’ Home Journal (which is still
extant today). Both journals were
formulaic: articles on politics,
royalty, world events, a serialized story, a patriotic article, sheet music,
advice columns for both men and women.
Almost all of the articles on world events were written by men. Articles on women’s fashion, babies, children
and homemaking were written by women.
There was always an article on cooking, home decorating, fashion, and a
feature for children. There were no articles on dieting, dating, sex, make-up
or exercise - beyond advising girls that outdoor pursuits were healthful.
As for guiding young women in life choices, the following quote sums it up: From Ladies’ Home Journal, July 1897. The article, entitled WHAT NOW?, is aimed at new college graduates:

As for guiding young women in life choices, the following quote sums it up: From Ladies’ Home Journal, July 1897. The article, entitled WHAT NOW?, is aimed at new college graduates:
“An intellectual ambition
draws many a girl away from her true place in life, and makes her a cold,
unloved, and unhelpful woman, instead of a joyous, affectionate and unselfish
blessing to home and friends…”
“If the instinct of
daughter, sister, wife or mother dies out of a college-bred woman, even in the
course of a most brilliant career, the world will forget to love her; it will
scorn her, and justly.”
As to Seventeen Magazine, no such equivalent
existed back then. In The Ladies’ Home Journal, dated January
1897, in an article entitled “Side-Talks With Girls” said this:
“Girls of fifteen are not
supposed to be in society, nor do they, if they have wise mothers, receive
gentlemen visitors. Girls of that age
should be in the schoolroom.”
I picked up a recent volume of Seventeen
Magazine the other day. In addition
to the usual articles on weight loss, beauty and fashion, there were these:
“Are Your Moves Sexy or Snoozy?”
“Movie Worthy Make-outs”
“Sneaky Ways to Keep Things
So the contrast between what girls were being told in magazines in the
late nineteenth century and today couldn’t be more striking. Is it better to bombard the young women of
today with articles on sex, dating, dieting and exercise or to refuse to
discuss what goes on between men and women and to completely ignore those parts
of the body “down there” as they did in the nineteenth century?
I’ll let you be the judge.
Carol's YA novel 'Big Stone Heart' was released by Whiskey Creek Press this month
'The Secret Society of Sugar and Spice' will be released in March 2013 by Whiskey Creek Press
Big Stone Heart

You can find Carol's website at
and her blog at
Thanks so much for being here with us today, Carol, and we wish you every success with your novels.