Sunday, January 1, 2012

More than 7 things you don’t know about me, but could find interesting. Or amusing.

Katheryn Lane gave Heroines with Hearts a lovely award with the stipulation that each principal had to share seven interesting facts about herself. Here are mine:
1. My dad worked for the CIA.
2. I’ve fished in the Red Sea. (Didn’t catch anything.)
3. I went to an all-girl’s high school.
4. I’m an astrologer. (Swear by it.)
5. I went to college to be a physicist.
6. I became a vegetarian so I could cook proper meals for my baby daughter, who could not digest meat. (She’s still a vegetarian. I still like bacon.)
7. I live on a biodynamic farm with cows and chickens. (So much for being a physicist.)
8. I can, freeze, or dehydrate most of my family’s food.
9. I’ve seen gnomes two times, both unexpectedly. When I intellectualized what was happening, they vanished.
10. I’ve discovered that what scares me the most is what I’m supposed to do.


  1. Apart from adding that you've given 10 facts, not 7 (LOL!), I love your list - and am so intrigued by the gnomes. Do tell us more!

  2. I went to an all girl's high school also. Can't claim anything else on your list.

    Morgan Mandel

  3. The CIA fact is totally awesome! Very interesting facts, Ana. And I love #10.

  4. Your dad working for the CIA is interesting, but I think fishing in the Red Sea is my favorite on the list!

    Happy New Year everyone!
