Friday, August 28, 2015

H is for Hearts

Margaret talks about writing from the heart


As this blog is called Heroines With Hearts I thought I’d dwell on the word Heart. What do we actually mean by it?


I was always told to write from the heart. To believe entirely in what I was writing. So that is what I do. I live the life of each of my heroines. I am that person. It’s not an easy ride, not for me, the author, or for my heroines until they actually settle down into their Happy Ever After. But what fun it is. Naturally nothing runs smoothly, there would be no story to tell if it did.


For instance, in the book I’m currently writing my heroine has been forced to marry a man she does not love, simply to make this man’s father happy. Because she tricked her way into the hero’s life (she’s a newspaper reporter and wanted to do a story on him) his payback is to fulfil his ageing father’s dream of his only son getting wed. The problem is - they live in the south of England, his father in the Caribbean. This was something she certainly hadn’t counted on. Of course things happen when they get there – but that’s not something I’m giving away at the moment. I will tell you, though, that his father falls ill and needs treatment in England, so my poor heroine has no escape even then.


I know the story will have a happy ending but how they get to it even I don’t know yet.







  1. I so agree about writing from the heart. We can't expect our readers to empathise with our heroines or fall in love with our heroes unless we've also experienced those emotions while we're writing our stories.

    1. It's why I always tell everyone I've had x number of love affairs!

    2. I think I'm still in love with all my heroes :-)

  2. That's the key to a good romance. The reader KNOWS there's going to be a happily ever after, but with everything that goes on before that, she has to wonder how it will ever happen...

  3. It's like life--you don't know how things will turn out when you embark on an adventure or embrace a change in direction. All you can do is hope for the best.

    1. It's the unexpected endings that are usually the best.

  4. I know I'm writing from the heart when I get to the point that I can't wait to get back to writing my manuscript.

    1. True, Debra. And isn't it so annoying when life gets in the way?
