Tuesday, December 13, 2016

X Is For eXcitement

Jennifer is excited about possibilities…

Okay, first of all, I know how to spell. But when it comes to the letter X, I have to be a little creative, so I hope you’ll indulge me. J

Thanks to some reorganizing of my life, and some good news, I’m finally feeling hopeful again about writing. The reorganizing involved dropping activities that were stressing me out and killing my soul. By doing that, I’ve gotten more time to write and have reinvigorated my creative juices. The good news was a recent contest that I finaled in. It’s given me a much-needed boost to keep going.

So what does that all mean? It means I’m writing and enjoying myself. I’m submitting and not getting discouraged or losing hope. I’m supporting my writer friends and critique partners, knowing we’re all in the same boat, even if sometimes that boat is a dinghy and other times a yacht. I have a plan for who to submit what to when. And I’m sticking with it.

So, yeah, I’m excited. 2017 is going to be great!


  1. That's awesome, Jen! Good for you...I love that feeling of never-ending possibilities on the horizon.

  2. Of course, as soon as I published this, I just got a "no thanks" from a publisher, but I've submitted elsewhere and will wait and see. Argh. :)

  3. Glad you are feeling so positive about 2017 (despite the rejection - commiserations)
