Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Launch of Friday Friends

I'm also really looking forward to our Friday Friends and our interviews with many different writers.

For me, it's an interest in why other people write, how they decide what genre they want to write, and how they go about writing their books e.g. do they plot in detail or let the characters take them? I'm interested too in asking our writers about tips they can pass on to others (including me!), be it about characters, plotting, or approaching agents or editors. Whatever advice they can give us about any aspect of writing and getting published will be more than welcome.

It can also be comforting to discover that established writers can have just the same 'problems' as aspiring writers e.g. writer's block, getting stuck with a plot, feeling that a character isn't developing as he/she should etc. I'm sure our writers can give us their ideas about how to overcome the problems both they and we encounter.

We can all learn a lot from talking to other writers, and whatever they are prepared to share with us, I am willing to learn from it.

I have to add that I hope, with publicity by us (and our Friday Friends), others will be drawn to our blog and encouraged to make comments. Then we will have a very lively and interesting blog, not just for ourselves, but for all our readers.

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