Tuesday, October 19, 2010


First Anniversary

This is the first anniversary of the blog. I am a late comer having only just joined. However, I know you other ladies have been here from the beginning.

I have been a follower though and think we are expanding, (hopefully not around our middle) for instance we are having guest bloggers and that is a positive.

Let us hope by next anniversary we have even more good news.


  1. Last weekend, my three-year old grandaughter discovered small framed photos of my husband and myself in high school. She recognized us. That is definitely a positive!

  2. I am ALL for expansion so long as it's not around my waist!

  3. My middle has definitely expanded quite enough!
    Expanding our number of followers would be very welcome though, and it would be great to have more comments too!
    And expanding horizons has certainly worked for me, as my recent trip to Egypt gave me an idea for a novel set there. Sadly, I didn't meet any hunky males on our cruise, so my imagination had to create one! agination!
