Monday, December 22, 2014

What to do on holiday break

Ana has some advice:


  1. I don't have to do any cooking as we all go to my daughter's - so I'll be continuing with my editing. Hope that counts!

  2. I actually fired up my laptop this morning and wrote...a paragraph. That's about all I had time for before I needed to head off to the chiropractor.

    But with two weeks off ahead of me, I hope to get back to it. My shopping, wrapping, and baking are all done, so I have no excuses!

  3. I promise I'll be writing after the holidays. :-)

    Merry Christmas, and a successful 2015 to you all.

  4. I need her to hang over me!
    I'm still helping my daughter finish the bible for Middle Americans and develop the pitch synopsis for a different digital show. Purple prose to the max; cliches encouraged.
