Tuesday, February 2, 2016

E Is For Eubanks

Jennifer reviews Hidden Doors Secret Rooms...

Hidden Doors Secret Rooms by Jamie Eubanks, was an interesting and different read for me. A paranormal suspense thriller, I heard about it from someone on Twitter, thought it sounded interesting, and decided to try it.

Fast-paced, well written and creatively imagined, it was anything but predictable. Here’s the blurb:

HIDDEN DOORS, SECRET ROOMS - a paranormal suspense:

In this critically acclaimed paranormal suspense thriller, you'll meet Jillian Braedon, a woman who possesses a secret so explosive, it could change the world forever. On the run with her five-year-old daughter, stranded in the middle of a blizzard and seriously injured, Jill sends little Valerie off into the raging storm alone. The child stumbles onto the property of retired musician-turned-recluse, John Mills, begging for help. John soon finds himself caught up in their torment, and face-to-face with the pursuing covert agents who will do anything to destroy the secret, and permanently silence everyone involved. 

I thought the adult characters were very well-developed. The child, a little less so. As a mom to two teens, I don’t recall a child as young as Valerie behaving the way she does in the book. However, my children could be different, and Valerie could be reacting to circumstances, so it’s not a huge problem. I did not expect the ending at all, and while I’m not sure I would have resolved it the way Eubanks did, it was satisfying.

If you’re in the mood for some excitement, I’d give this a try.


4 Hearts


  1. It sounds intriguing. I almost think I should read it for myself.

    1. I like trying different genres occasionally, Margaret. Sometimes it's nice mixing things up a bit.

  2. Is it scary? Living on my own, I daren't read scary books! I'm a scaredy-cat!

    1. I don't think so. What types of things scare you (just so I can give you an accurate response)?

    2. Spooky like ghosts or spooky like something else?

    3. Anything sinister or evil or creepy!

    4. If you're sensitive to it in a book, this probably isn't for you, then.

    5. Like I said, I'm a scaredy cat - with too much imagination to read scary books!

  3. Thanks. I enjoy paranormal suspense and this is not a writer I am familiar with. I've added it to my list.
